20 Seeds w/Instructions
Streptopus amplexifolius was used as a food plant by Native Americans in Eastern North America and as a medicine.
The plant was referred to by early settlers of Eastern and Western North America as "wild cucumber" and as "scoot berries" for the mildly laxative effects of the berries if they are eaten in excessive quantities. Leaves completely encircle the stem, and the stems have a kink at each leaf axil giving the plants stem a "twisted" and wiry appearance.
The plants grow in a creeping habit in moist, dense undergrowth. The small greenish-white flowers hang from axils on thin kinked panicles, each flower with six white petals. Perennial cold climate plant for zones 3-7. Moist rich soil.
Other Names: Clasping Twistedstalk, Claspleaf Twistedstalk, Scoot Berry, White Mandarin.