1 Starter plant, 2 inch pot, organically grown. See picture, you will receive a similar plant. *** Ships within the continental USA only***
Malvaviscus arboreus is a species of flowering plant in the hibiscus family, Malvaceae, that is native to the American South and Mexico. The specific name, arboreus, refers to the tree-like appearance of a mature plant. It is now popular in cultivation and goes by many names including wax mallow, Turk's cap (mallow), Turk's turban, sleeping hibiscus, manzanilla, manzanita (de pollo), ladies teardrop and Scotchman's purse; many of these common names refer to other, in some cases unrelated, plants. Its flowers do not open fully and help attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Turk's Cap is very drought tolerant once established. Flowers and fruit make a good herbal tea, and the young leaves can be utilized as a culinary herb or salad herb. Turk's cap is native to south Texas, where it becomes an established perennial, but in north Texas is should be used as an annual. Zones 7-11.
Other: Sleepy Hibiscus, edible hibiscus,