12 Seeds w/Instructions
The Candlestick Cassia Plant (Senna Alata), also known as Candelabra Plant, and Christmas Candles, is a show-stopping plant noted for its gorgeous blooms and unique foliage. The leaves are often used as an extract to serve a variety of purposes. Due to its long and prolific blooms, these plants are very popular with bees and butterflies. This plant is recommended for USDA Zones 8-11. In tropical climates, Cassia alata becomes tree-like, reaching heights of 12 foot or more. In subtropical areas that experience occasional light freezes, the plant is more shrubby. During years with hard freezes, the plant behaves more like a perennial, regenerating quickly from the roots and blooming by late summer.
Senna alata (also known as Cassia alata) is often called the ringworm bush because of its very effective fungicidal properties, for treating ringworm and other fungal infections of the skin.
Other Names: emperor's candlesticks, candle bush, candelabra bush, Christmas candles, Candle tree, ringworm shrub, akapulko, candletree, Herpetica alata