1 small live starter plant (Organically grown) in a 4 inch pot. See example picture, you receive a similar plant.
This plant is rooted (Not seed raised), thus being more robust.
Asclepias syriaca, a US native wild flower, is a favorite nectar source for butterflies and are host plants for caterpillars including the Monarch butterfly. Stout plant with large leaves, large pink flower clusters and a strong fragrance reminiscent of Lilacs, this Milkweed is a wonderful horticultural plant for landscaping to attract butterflies. It is a good choice for sunny flower beds, very attractive and easily controlled. Grows in sandy, clayey, or rocky calcareous soils up to 5-7 feet, Zone 4-9.
Other names: Virginia-silk, Algodoncillo, Silky Swallowwort, herbe à la ouate, Seidenpflanze, Common Milkweed, Banana Leaf Milkweed, Tall Milkweed.