25 Seeds w/Instructions
Pattypan squash is a variety of summer squash notable for its small size, round and shallow shape, and scalloped edges, somewhat resembling a small toy top, or flying saucer. The name "pattypan" derives from "a pan for baking a patty". The squash is most tender when relatively immature; it is generally served when it about 3-4 inches in diameter but can get as large as 8 inches. In fine cuisine, its tender flesh is sometimes scooped out and mixed with flavorings and garlic and then reinserted. Like most summer squashes, the skin is edible, so you don't have to peel it. Use like you would use zucchini.
Other Names: Scallop squash, peter pan squash, sunburst squash, granny squash, custard marrow, custard squash, ciblème, button squash. Summer Squash