50 Seeds w/Instructions
Kale Thousand Head is a plain-leaved variety which is extremely reliable and prolific. Thousand Head, or Thousand Headed Kale is a medium height variety, if left to grow it will reach a height of five feet with luxuriant, large wide spreading foliage. The origin of this heirloom crop is from England and its appearance suggests that the crop could be one of the first domesticants of the wild kale. Thousand head is named so, because it branches more than other kales. The many branches and growing points mean that it produces more leaves than other kales. It is very easy to grow, unlike other brassicas it will tolerate poor soil conditions and is rarely troubled by those dreaded enemies of the cabbage family. The leaves grow large and abundant; they taste like very tender collard greens. For the ultimate crop, and possible 3 foot leaves, grow in full sun in a soil that was enriched with compost or manure. Mature plants survive to 10F or below and some treat it as a perennial. Freezes well for tossing in a stew.
Other: Kale Thousandhead, Brassica oleracea var napus, Ancient heirloom kale, 1000 Head kale, Thousand Heads, Thousand Headed, ancient vegetables