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Seuss Inspired Red Hot Poker Kniphofia Uvaria - 30 Seeds
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Seuss Inspired Red Hot Poker Kniphofia Uvaria - 30 Seeds
Seuss Inspired Red Hot Poker Kniphofia Uvaria - 30 Seeds
Seuss Inspired Red Hot Poker Kniphofia Uvaria - 30 Seeds

Seuss Inspired Red Hot Poker Kniphofia Uvaria - 30 Seeds

Price: $4.99 add to cart     
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Shipping: US-Mainland: $4.98 (more destinations)
Condition: Brand new
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30 fresh Seeds w/Instructions

Red Hot Poker - Kniphofia Uvaria is an impressive perennial with sword-shaped leaves and tall stems topped with red, orange and yellow flowers in summer and all colors can appear at once and 2 or 3 flowers can develop on a single bloom stalk. The stately flowers provide a dramatic display, when grown in a space where the entire plant is visible.
Drought and heat tolerant Red Hot Poker plant is easy to grow. If sown early it will flower the same year. Zone 5-10. The plant is excellent for cutting. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.

Other: lorax flower, seuss flower, seuss garden
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