15 Fresh Seeds w/Instructions
This winter squash variety has rustic light brown color hard skin, with deep sutures at full maturity. Large fruit weigh about 15-35 lbs. The flesh is a rich deep orange to make your Calabaza en tacha, Mexican candied pumpkin and creamy pumpkin pie filling. It is considered one of the best tasting squashes, they’re sweet and delicious. Slow roasting is the perfect method for bringing out all the deep deliciousness of these specimens. It is one of the major tropical vegetables grown in warm climates. Vigorous vines.
Other Names: Fairytale Pumpkin, squash, auyama , ayote , mexican pumpkin, West Indian pumpkin, Cuban squash, Zapollo, Auyama, Abóbora, Calabash, Calabasa, Calabaza squash, Musquee de Provence.