8 Seeds w/Instructions
Sesbania punicea is an ornamental shrub that produces reddish-orange flowers, has deciduous leaves, and grows 8-15 feet high. This plant has a high demand for water, and thrives in swamps or high-moisture areas.
The flowers begin to appear in the late spring and persist until the autumn. This species is known to be shade-tolerant. Can potentially produce flowers and seed in it's first year of growth. Due to its high demand for water, this species is often found at marshy shorelines. Zones 8+. Highly attractive to Butterflies and Hummingbirds.
Seeds are poison.
Other Names: Daubentonia punicea, Daubentonia punicea, Piscidia punicea, Brazilian glory-pea, coffeeweed, rattlepod, rattlebox tree, rattlebrush, Spanish gold, scarlet sesban