80 Seeds w/Instructions
Strawberry Goosefoot is native to Europe and known by the common name leafy goosefoot. It is an easy care salad green with edible berries. The plant was grown as a mild spinach like leaf vegetable in Europe in the 1600’s, with recent interest in its cultivation again. The berries arise at the base of each stem, are mildly sweet and taste somewhat like mulberries. A plant in full fruit is a glorious sight. Strawberry spinach can withstand a light frost, but it’s more heat tolerant than true spinach. You do want it to bolt eventually though, as that’s when its distinctive berries appear. Leaves can be eaten raw in a salad or slightly steamed and sautéed. The plant is high in vitamins A, C and lutein. Staple food in monasteries.
Thrives in rich moist soil with plenty of organic matter. Annual.
Blitum virgatum, Syn. Chenopodium foliosum, Leafy Goosefoot, Strawberry Stick, Indian paint, Indian ink, Chenopodium capitatum, strawberry goosefoot, strawberry spinach,