5 Seeds w/Instructions
Native of Madagascar, this is a rare, beautiful, flowering tree is named after a former governor of Mauritius.
It is an erect tree, often with a long trunk and spreading branches. Fern-like, pinnate leaves to 3' Ft long, with many small, elliptic to oblong leaflets. From late autumn to winter, this tree turns on a spectacular, orange floral display, that rivals other world-renowned flowering species like the Jacaranda or Poinciana.
It bears scarlet to almost florescent orange flowers in racemes to 12" inches in length. Its grape-like clusters of velvety buds can range from chameleon green to blood orange. This is a fabulous tree when in bloom and very delicate and lacy-looking in leaf. It can grow to a height of 20'+ Ft in height.
This is originally a tropical tree with the same range and climatic tolerances as Poinciana. It prefers moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil in full sun. It likes to be grown rather dry in the winter but lots of water in summer. Frost sensitive.
Other Name: Colville's Glory