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categories  > Ornamentals > Brugmansia Iochroma Datura Trumpet Flowers (16)
Exotic Floripondio Red Angel's Trumpet Brugmansia sanguinea - 5 Seeds
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Exotic Floripondio Red Angel's Trumpet Brugmansia sanguinea - 5 Seeds
Exotic Floripondio Red Angel's Trumpet Brugmansia sanguinea - 5 Seeds
Exotic Floripondio Red Angel's Trumpet Brugmansia sanguinea - 5 Seeds

Exotic Floripondio Red Angel's Trumpet Brugmansia sanguinea - 5 Seeds

Price: $9.95 add to cart     
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Shipping: US-Mainland: $4.98 (more destinations)
Condition: Brand new
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5 Seeds w/growing guidelines.

Brugmansia sanguinea, the Red Angel's Trumpet is a small, small tree, 4-8' tall, perennial shrubby tree native to Peru and the Andes. Brugmansia is a fast grower. Belongs to the nightshade family, solanaceae. Brugmansia may be grown in containers or in the garden. The most spectacular flower display of the genus. The flowers are 8 to 10 inches long, trumpet shaped, pendulous, brilliant orange-red at the mouth with yellow veins, and fading to yellow at the base. It makes an extraordinary display in late Spring through Summer, but can bloom for most of the year. It requires cool Summer and cooler nights to bloom. Likes rich, moist soil. Zones 9-10. All plant parts are poisonous.
Other Names: campanchu, campanillas encarnadas, lorifondio
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