Perfect for the Gardener or Host who enjoys cooking and baking and doesn't have mature fruit trees.
Included is a specially selected range of seeds to grow, (some of them unusual) productive plants with an interesting variety of looks and flavors.
It does not require a lot of space to make a fruit garden. A simple raised bed or integrating berry or melon plants into garden borders works well. Most can be grown in containers or pots on a patio or balcony. Start in fall indoors for spring planting.
Collection includes 6 types of individually packaged seeds with growing guidelines.
- Heirloom Poha Berry Physalis peruviana - tangy-sweet, slightly tart fruits; good fresh or cooked; desserts, salad, pies, jams, drinks.
- Sugar Baby Watermelon - sweet, fine-textured; small 6-8" fruit; good fresh, sorbet, desserts.
- Heirloom True Garden Huckleberries Solanum melanocerasum - small blue-purple fruit; best cooked; syrup, pies, jams, juice, wine.
- Kiwi Berry Issai Actinidia arguta - mini kiwis; eat fresh, jams, ice cream, desserts, juicing.
- Heirloom Litchi Tomatos Solanum sisymbriifolium - dark red cherry-size berries, distinctive flavor of sour cherries and watermelon; good fresh or cooked; fruit tarts, jams and sauces, sorbets, wine.
- Sugar Melon Emerald Gem Cucumis Melo - juicy, sweet; small 4-5" fruit; good fresh, sorbet, desserts.
-- 6 small wooden plant markers
Comes in a sturdy Bio-degradable Kraft Gift Box with decorative belly band.
Seed count is 25 - 100 per pack depending on variety.