10 Fresh Seeds w/Instructions
Strelitzia Nicolai or White Bird of Paradise is native, as Strelitzia reginae, of South Africa. It grows much taller than Strelitzia reginae and its flowers are equally remarkable.
This beautiful plant looks like a banana, because of its large leaves, and the traveler’s tree, because of its pseudo-stem that can go 20′ high, but is much samller as a potted house plant.
In its habitat it can reach 33′ in height. It forms large clumps with strong roots and it is better not to plant it near a building or pavement.
The leaves are gray-green and can be 6′) . They grow fan-like, like the traveler’s tree.
The flowers have a gray-blue bract, white sepals and a blue tongue. They will appear at the top of the pseudo-stem and can measure 7″ high and 18″ long. A Spectacular long lasting cut flower.
Strelitzia is the name given in honor of Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, wife of King George III and nicolai in honor of Nicolas II of Russia.
USDA Zone 9+ and as a House Plant