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  Speciality Seeds
     Scarce * Rare * Hard To Find * Unique (137)
Home > Categories  > Ornamentals > Speciality Seeds (223)
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Unusual Rare Bookleaf Daviesia cordata - 5 Seeds
Calico Flower Dutchman's Pipevine Aristolochia littoralis - 15 Seeds
Fragrant Night-Blooming Jessamine Cestrum nocturnum - 15 Seeds
Succulent Madagascar Palm Pachypodium lamerei - 8 Seeds
Exotic Japanese Aralia Fatsia japonica - 25 Seeds
Enkianthus Pagoda Bush Enkianthus campanulatus - 15 Seeds
Rare Forest Gardenia Gardenia thunbergia  - 15 Seeds
Pink Muhly Feather Grass Muhlenbergia capillaris - 30 Seeds
Giant Sequoia Redwood Sequoiadendron Giganteum - 40 Seeds
Purple Bell Vine Rhodochiton atrosanguineus Rare - 8 Seeds
Rare Giant Desert Cactus Saguaro Carnegiea gigantea - 25 Seeds
Rare and Unusual Australian Red Glory Pea Swainsona Formosa - 8 Seeds
Yesterday Today and Tomorrow Brunfelsia Pauciflora floribunda - 15 Seeds
Showy Drumstick Primrose Primula denticulata - 25 Seeds
Rare Mahoe Sea Hibiscus Talipariti tiliaceum - 8 Seeds
Showy Rare Elephant Head Pedicularis groenlandica - 30 Seeds
Rare Pink Cluster Star Everlasting Schoenia cassiniana - 10 Seeds
Yellow Bleeding Heart Vine Dactylicapnos scandens - 15 Seeds
Rare Tibetan Blue Poppy Meconopsis betonicifolia - 25 Seeds
Pride Of Gibraltar Flower Blue Shrimp Cerinthe Major Purpurascens - 12 Seeds
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